Health & Safety and First Aid

Health & Safety and First Aid

  1. All members of NMTTC should be aware of where to find the Club First Aid Kit at their home venue. The First Aid Kits are monitored to ensure that the contents are maintained in line with TTE recommendations.
  • The Grange First Aid Kit is found in the table store room, in the cupboard just inside the door on the left, in the right hand door, on the top shelf.
  • The Mudeford Wood Community Centre First Aid Kit is found in the store room at the far end of the Hall in the cupboard marked NMTTC 11, on the top shelf.
  1. Should anyone need anything from the First Aid Kit either Home or away team this should be recorded in the folder.
  2. Should there be an incident please also record everything that happened in the folder, and let Lynn Willrich (Welfare Officer) know either by email ( or mobile (07787 518042). Lynn will ensure that a copy of the incident form is copied to the relevant centre manager.
  3. Should anyone need First Aid advice and a First Aider is not on site, please phone 111, or in Emergency phone 999. There are also emergency First Aid posters in each box with actions to take in an emergency.
  4. Should there be an incident at an away match details should be recorded in that Clubs Incident register and should be reported as soon as possible to Lynn Willrich as above.
  5. Each team Captain should have an emergency next of kin contact number for each member of their team or if necessary should contact Lynn Willrich as above should there be any incident, which needs a team member’s next of kin to be contacted.
  6. All members (especially juniors) are encouraged to advise fellow team members of relevant medical conditions.
  7. Hampshire regularly runs First Aid courses and all members are encouraged to take courses.
  8. Would all members please check all playing areas are safe from hazards before play commences, especially ‘stray’ chairs, balls, bags and belongings.
  9. All members should take particular care when handling tables. In most cases, 2 people are required to avoid personal injury and damage to equipment.


Lynn Willrich, NMTTC Welfare Officer

May 2017